Are Scooters (electric included) allowed in the bus?
Students riding the bus are not permitted to bring any scooter or bike on the bus (including electric scooters) due to safety reasons.
What credit cards are accepted to purchase a bus pass?
TRAFFIX accepts Visa and Mastercard.
What if there is not a stop in my neighborhood, are there other options?
Service and specific routes are re-evaluated twice a year (Dec & July). You can email admin@ridetraffix.com with your request.
What are TRAFFIX service alerts?
Notifications are an important part of TRAFFIX communication for the parents and riders. Please log into your account and verify your email addresses and cell phone numbers to receive text messages. If your student has a cell number and would like to receive urgent notifications, please include that number as well.
Email and Text Message send urgent Notifications
Will TRAFFIX provide pickup service for the 7th period classes?
TRAFFIX is a traffic congestion relief agency primarily funded through the Contra Costa Measure J ½-cent Transportation Sales Tax. TRAFFIX is unique from a traditional home-to-school school bus program in that its purpose is to relieve traffic congestion at the busiest times of the day, which is during regular school drop-off and pick-ups times. TRAFFIX currently has a 23-bus fleet with six buses serving Monte Vista High School and one bus each at San Ramon Valley and California High Schools. As the Program’s primary funding source (Measure J) is limited and is required to primarily serve as a congestion reduction program, expansion of the fleet and/or running routes that serve off-peak times of travel is not possible at this time. More specifically, TRAFFIX is not able to provide service from East Danville to Monte Vista High School for “7th” Period students (during a less-congested time of day) due to several additional factors including round trip distances and travel time limitations.
What happens when the there are schedule changes such as Wednesdays schedules, testing days and minimum days?
There are separate schedules for regular, irregular days, Wednesdays, finals and minimum days for all routes posted on the website. Go to the page for your route to see the exact times.
How do I access First View?
Please see the informational links to help navigate the First View app.
What is First View?
First View is an app that you can download onto your phone. After registering parents can track the location of the GPS enabled school bus in real-time. Additionally, parents can receive alerts through the SMS system to parents of late buses, schedule changes etc.
What is the RFID System?
At each stop, DriverHub displays the names of students who should be boarding or off boarding at that location. This has been made possible by the new Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) bus pass.
Registered students have been issued an RFID scan card, which acts as their ID when boarding and off boarding the school bus. This card scan system ensures the security of every child. Knowledge of where and when a student boards or off boards allows the bus provider, First Student, to proactively manage safety and prevent such errors as students boarding the wrong bus.
How do I call to arrange a playdate?
The friend’s parent or guardian should send an email request to Patricia.Shannon@firstgroup.com with the date of the requested playdate and the words “(DATE) Play Date Requested” IN THE SUBJECT LINE.
Include the child’s name, the bus route he/she normally rides, the name of the child with whom he/she has a play date and the bus route on which the child would be a guest rider. Requests must to be made 48 hours in advance to ensure accommodations. Any request the day of without approval from First Student will be denied (No handwritten notes allowed). If you have questions, call First Student Dispatch can be reached at 925-926-0375.
Who do I call if my child left something on the bus?
First Student dispatch office at (925) 926-0375 between 5:30 AM and 5:00 PM on school days.
What is CSA T-1 Parcel Holder?
County Service Area T-1 (CSA T-1) was formed on September 14, 2005 as a dependent special district of the County to provide transit services to the Alamo Creek and Monterosso communities in the Tassajara Valley. With assistance from CSA T-1, TRAFFIX has added three 54-seat buses (MV-19, MV-19A and MV19B). Homeowners within the CSA T-1 communities cited above who attend Monte Vista High School are offered the first opportunity to purchase TRAFFIX Bus Passes for their students.
When will the 2024-25 Bus Passes go on sale?
The 2024-25 Bus Passes will go on sale April 29, 2024. Notifications will be posted as to the school site specific dates prior to April of 2024.
What happens if there is an accident?
If a school bus accident occurs with students on the bus, First Student will contact the California Highway Patrol (CHP). CHP will then dispatch an officer to investigate the accident. The students will be required to remain on the bus until the CHP releases them. However, if the accident is on private property, e.g. a community center, a school site, etc., the CHP will not be dispatched unless there are injuries. In the event of a bus accident, TRAFFIX will text parents with information and updates.
What if my student is accused of bullying?
Your child may be entered into a progressive discipline process. If bullying is happening and does not cease, your child may be suspended from the bus, and/or may have the annual pass revoked without refund. Note: for some offenses, progressive discipline does not apply and immediate revocation of your student’s bus pass may occur.
What if my child is being bullied?
Contact your school principal or the Program Administrator immediately.
Are parents financially responsible for vandalism?
Yes, parents or guardians are financially responsible for vandalism caused by their student.
Can my student’s bus pass be taken away?
Yes. If your student does not respond to the progressive discipline assigned, your pass may be suspended or revoked without refund.
What happens if a student does not follow the rules?
A verbal warning will be issued to the student. If the student continues to violate student behavior guidelines, then an Incident Report Form will be filed. A copy of the report will be sent to the school and parents. The school may take appropriate disciplinary action and the TRAFFIX Program Administrator can suspend or revoke transportation privileges. Note: For some cases, progressive discipline does not apply.
Do cars have to stop when a bus stops?
Yes! When a bus stops and its red lights and stop arm are activated, cars in both directions must stop. Where there is a divided roadway with a median, only cars in moving the same direction as the bus must stop. There are significant fines for drivers who fail to yield to a School bus.
Can riders stick anything out the windows?
No part of a child’s body should ever extend through a window, and no item of any kind may thrown out a window.
Can riders open the windows?
Yes, students are allowed to open the windows, except when common sense or the bus driver dictates otherwise.
What if my child has to cross the street?
If a child has to cross the street when getting off the bus, drivers will escort any students having to cross the street.
Do the buses have seat belts and are they required to be worn by all students?
Yes. All our buses are equipped with lap and shoulder seat belts. They are required to be worn at all times without exception.
Can my student bring a friend home on the bus?
Yes, if that friend is a registered TRAFFIX rider. TRAFFIX is not allowed to transport a student who is not a registered TRAFFIX rider. See instructions on how to set up a playdate in the FAQ’s.
Can my student get off at a different stop?
Students may only travel to their assigned stop, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Program Administrator. If it is for a one-time occurrence like a play date, please see the FAQ about play dates.
Can my student be assigned to more than one route?
All students are assigned one route and one stop. If circumstances require your child to be at different homes or after school care locations, contact the Program Administrator. We will do our best to accommodate you.
Who do I call if there is a problem?
If it involves Lost & Found or any issue relating directly to bus operations or a driver, call the First Student dispatch office at (925) 926-0375 between 5:30 AM and 5:00 PM on school days.
For everything else, call the TRAFFIX Administrative Coordinator on School Days from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at 925-973-2649
What if the bus is late?
This sometimes happens due to traffic or mechanical problems. Our bus operator will have a replacement bus on the way in the case of a mechanical problem. To check on a late bus call the First Student Dispatch Office at (925) 926-0375 between 5:30 AM and 5:00 PM.
What if my student misses the bus?
That does sometimes happen, so please be prepared. Every family should have a backup plan where students have a way to contact a parent or neighbor that can get them to school, or that they can notify if they plan to walk.
Why do you want students at their bus stop 5 minutes early?
State law requires drivers to stop traffic and escort children to the bus if they are not already standing at the stop. This throws off schedules and can be problematic for the neighbors. Additionally, TRAFFIX does not want your students to miss the bus by cutting it too close in the morning. The drivers try hard to stick to the published schedule, to deliver the students to school on time.
Where does the bus stop in my neighborhood?
On your route page, you will see a Google map showing the route of the bus and the exact location of every stop. Click on the map to zoom in or switch to Satellite view to see an actual photographic map of your street and the closest stop.
Can I get a refund?
Yes, but there are only two (2) circumstances in which TRAFFIX can offer a refund:
1) if you move or if your student is transferred to a different school, we will refund the unused portion of your pass. TRAFFIX must be notified within thirty (30) days of a school transfer or relocation for you to be eligible for a refund. Additionally, your new address must be provided, as this is where the refund check will be mailed.2) In some instances, transaction errors may occur during the busy period of spring pass sales. If you purchased multiple passes for the same student during the 2022-2023 school year, you will be able to receive a refund as long as you provide your duplicate receipts and they are verified. You will be responsible for paying the transaction fees for both the purchase and the refund. Please do not press the purchase button multiple times.
**Please note these are the only circumstances under which TRAFFIX can grant a refund.
Do you sell single use, weekly or one-way bus passes?
No, the passes are annual.
Are there proration’s for the price of the pass during the year?
No, there are no proration’s if you no longer need the pass. Unless, you qualify for a refund.
What if my child loses their bus pass?
To request a replacement pass, go to the button at the top of the website and request a replacement pass. You will need to enter your information and a $10 payment link will be sent to you. Once payment is received, your new bus pass will be processed and mailed to your address. This process takes 14-21 days. While waiting for the physical pass to arrive in the mail, use a temporary pass from your account.
Do students need to show a pass to board the bus?
Yes. All riders need to have their TRAFFIX pass with them whenever they ride the bus, even if the driver already knows them.
Can my child begin riding right away?
For the current 2022 2023 school year, your student may begin riding as soon as you purchase a TRAFFIX Bus Pass. When you purchase your student’s pass, you’ll get an email receipt. Please print your temporary pass from your account for your student to show the bus driver until you receive your bus pass.
When will I receive my student’s bus pass?
TRAFFIX Bus Passes are produced and mailed offsite. They contain your Student’s Name, Route Number and a unique TRAFFIX Identification Number. Bus passes for customers who pay in advance are produced and mailed in August, prior to the start of the school year.
For new riders who purchase passes after the start of the school year, passes are produced and mailed at the end of each month.
If for some reason you do not receive a bus pass, it is always a good idea to check your account at https://www.traffix.com to make sure that the address you provided when filling out the online form is correct.
How much does a bus pass cost?
The Annual price for a Regular TRAFFIX Bus Pass for 2024-2025 is:
High School Bus Passes: $632
Middle and Elementary Bus Passes: $565
TRAFFIX bus service is primarily funded through a Contra Costa County 1/2 cent sales tax. Funding is dependent on sales tax revenues.
Operating costs are rising for goods and services, including for the buses, gas, bus driver pay, etc.
Bus pass sales currently cover about 17% of the program’s operating costs. Given the current sales tax revenue and increasing operating costs, a bus pass price increase is necessary to keep the program viable without reducing service.
Full bus pass waivers will still be available for all eligible students, through a State-funded home-to-school transportation program that was passed by the legislature in 2023.
A multi-year rate increase schedule was approved by the TRAFFIX Board back in the 2019-2020 school year, just prior to the pandemic, to address the long-term viability of the program. It was paused because of the pandemic, using reserves to balance the budget. Therefore, rates have not been raised since before the pandemic, which is no longer sustainable. -
How safe are the drivers?
Our operator, First Student, is a nationwide leader in school bus transportation with an unparalleled safety record. All First Student drivers undergo a rigorous training, certification and supervision process that has kept First Student a national leader in student safety. These drivers are focused professionals – your child’s safety is their number one concern.
How safe are the buses?
School buses are some of the safest vehicles on the road today. Our buses are fully equipped with lap-shoulder seat belts, steel reinforced frames, GPS and video monitoring to ensure your child’s safety. All TRAFFIX Buses are equipped with cameras for video monitoring. According to National Safety Council Statistics, School buses are 172 times safer than passenger cars in terms of occupant deaths per 100 million passenger miles traveled. In fact, school buses rank much better than any other form of surface transportation
Is the school district operating the buses?
No. Although TRAFFIX works closely with SRVUSD providing a collaborative effort of safety for the students.
With a District this large, why are only eleven schools getting service?
The money available through Measure J is only enough to operate the 23 buses TRAFFIX has in its fleet. Even with that many buses, it is necessary to serve all the middle schools first, then use the same buses to go to the elementary schools. These service “tiers” allow us to serve more students and are necessary to get the most service out of the buses we have.
How were the schools chosen for the TRAFFIX program?
A traffic-engineering firm conducted a comprehensive study of major intersections throughout the San Ramon Valley. The intersections were ranked by their congestion during peak morning and afternoon traffic periods related to nearby schools. Parents at all SRVUSD schools were surveyed to measure their willingness to participate in a busing program. The schools were then ranked by how much traffic congestion they caused and how likely their parents were to buy a pass and have their kids ride.
Based on these factors, TRAFFIX selected seven schools for service in the 2009-2010 school year that showed the greatest chance to reduce traffic congestion: Los Cerros and Pine Valley middle schools; Country Club, Green Valley, Walt Disney, Neil Armstrong and Vista Grande elementary schools. In subsequent studies, California and Monte Vista high schools were selected for service in the 2012-13 school year to reduce traffic congestion. Beginning in the 2014-15 school year, Coyote Creek elementary school and San Ramon Valley High School were added to the TRAFFIX fleet service.
Will TRAFFIX serve special needs students?
Yes, however the San Ramon Valley Unified School District provides when transportation services are called for in an Individual Education Plan (IEP), these services.